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Head Start

Ann Fuini


Karyn Porter 

Administrative Assistant



Manchester Preschool Center
60 Washington Street
Manchester, CT 06040

Office: 860.647.3502
Office Fax: 860.647.5209
Nurse: 860.647.5003
Nurse's Fax: 860.647.3541

Mission Statement

Manchester Head Start's Mission is: 

To build partnerships with families and the community

To support health and life-long learning

To ensure that the educational environment is developmentally appropriate for each child

To respect and empower children and their families through education and parent involvement

To Celebrate Diversity.


Teaching Children Supporting Families

In 1965 President Johnson announced Project Head Start. Beginning as a summer program dedicated to fighting the war on poverty. The program has helped millions of children get a "head start". Today Head Start programs coninue their core mission of assisting the most vulnerable children and families wherever they reside.

Engaging and Empowering Communities

The Manchester Head Start program is a high-quality, comprehensive child development program, providing a foundation that enables children and families to achieve their full potential.