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Room 25

Daily Schedule

  • Schedule: 

    8:15-8:35 Arrival and morning greetings

    8:35-9:00 Breakfast 

    9:00-9:15 Group

    9:15-9:25 Second Step

    9:25-10:30 Interest Area

    10:30-10:45 Music and Movement

    10:45-11:15 Outdoor Time

    11:20-11:35 Read Aloud

    11:35-12:05 lunch

    12:05-1:25 Quiet Time

    1:25-1:40 Snack 

    1:40-2:05 Large Group 

    2:05-2:35 Small Group

    2:35-2:45 Dismissal


Debbie Mazzaro


Debbie Mazzaro
Classroom Teacher

Paraprofessional: Stacey McCoy
Noon aide:  Chewti Bhuiyan
Family Advocate: Wanda Sanchez